Miraculous Monday!


Morning… Good Morning… Great Morning! And that it will be!  It’s a Miraculous Monday Morning! Time to shake all doubt, loose the Monday morning blues, tell yourself again and again “it’s going to be a great day!”

When David met Goliath, Goliath had been challenging the Israelites for 40 days, both morning and evening, inciting fear and discouragement.  This humongous oversized giant relied totally on his size, skill, natural strength and battle gear while David, a young shepherd boy,  relied on his faith.  He announced to Goliath “ I come in the name of the living God, the God of Israel”.  Like David, we need to confirm in our spirit that nothing is to hard for God and then audibly say, “This is going to be a day for miracles, a day for giants to fall!”

Get in the habit of declaring both morning and evening, “It’s going to be a great day!” then watch God perform mighty and great things you could not of yourself.

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